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Modify An Award/Contract & Other Actions

Modify an Agreement

A Fibi record is required to formally modify an agreement. The process should proceed just like that of a new agreement. Modifications to Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreements (CDA/NDA) do not require a Fibi record – please see the Request a CDA/NDA page for more on how to submit a CDA to the Clinical Research Contracting Office.

Obtain Prior Approval from a Sponsor

Any action requiring prior approval from a sponsor (e.g. approval of a foreign component under an NIH award, carryover requests, effort or PI changes) should be routed through ORA and submitted by your ORA representative.  For general information on requesting prior approvals under NIH awards, click here. For NIH prior approval requirements, click here.

Below are ORA templates for some of the most common prior approval request types:

Request a No-Cost Extension

No-cost extensions are modifications that extend the period of an existing award with no additional funding.  Proposals for no cost extensions must be submitted through Fibi as a Service Request (SR Category: Award & Type: No-Cost Extension).  Unless the no-cost extension is automatic, the sponsor/funder must consent to the no-cost extension proposal before ORA can workflow. For non-federal extension, written documentation from the sponsor that confirms the new end date is required. Use the NIH NCE request form for first time NIH no-cost extension requests and the 2nd NCE request template for all other extension requests.

Transfer my Grants/Contracts to Another Institution

Please contact ORA to let us know that you will be departing JHU.  Guidance for Investigators Related to their Research upon Leaving Johns Hopkins University is found here.

Our Offices

School of Medicine Office of Research Administration
East Baltimore Office

Miller Research Building, Suite 117
733 N. Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205

P: 410-955-3061


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