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Fibi Training Resources

Fibi Replaced Coeus on October 23rd!

Fibi replaced Coeus as JHU’s proposal preparation, routing, approval, and reporting platform on Monday, October 23, 2023. Please visit the ORIS WEBSITE to familiarize yourself with Fibi and review training material options and opportunities. To launch Fibi, please make sure you are connected to VPN before clicking the login here. Quick links organized by training format and topic are also provided below.

Check out the Fibi Cheat Sheet for Proposal and Service Request Types

Questions about navigating Fibi? Join ORIS every Thursday at 11:00am for “Fibi Bits” – a Zoom session addressing hot topics and open Q&A time. Register via the ORIS calendar.

Video Tutorials (1-5 minutes each)

These videos do not have sound

Snapshot Guides

Printable instructions

Proposal building video covers:

  • Customizing your Fibi dashboard
  • Creating a new proposal
  • Finding a proposal
  • Personnel: adding JHU employees to a PD
  • Certifications
  • Budget: Creating a new budget
  • Attachments: uploading, editing and deleting

The Fibi communication video covers:

  • Submitting for JHU approvals
  • Recalling a PD from approvals
  • Service Requests: adding a new sponsor (example)
  • Comments: communicating with others through Fibi
  • Support: Ask a question through Fibi

The Medusa and reporting video covers:

  • Seeing relationships between PD, IP, and award records

The troubleshooting video covers:

  • Frozen Fibi (Firefox)
  • Frozen Fibi (Chrome)
  • Unlock: unlock you own lock
  • Unlock: unlock another user’s lock

ORIS has created two full-length Fibi training videos for a more in depth review.

The Fibi Introductory Seminar video is an hour and twelve minutes long, focusing on:

  1. Fibi introduction
  2. Proposal Development
  3. Creating Service Requests

This is the same video demonstration used for the live ORIS Introductory Seminars in MyLearning.

For a shorter overview, there is also the Fibi Quick Tour video that introduces basic functionality of proposal preparation. Please note that the Quick Tour video does not have sound, but does include written instructions throughout.

Please consult the ORIS FAQs page for a current list of questions and answers about Fibi.

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School of Medicine Office of Research Administration
East Baltimore Office

Miller Research Building, Suite 117
733 N. Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205

P: 410-955-3061


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