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Clinical Research Award Closeout

ORA Clinical Research Award Closeout Checklist

  1. IRB status – IRB protocol should be closed. If not, verify status such as Open Enrollment, Data Analysis. (accounts should not be closed with Active Enrollment).
  1. Contract payments terms – per executed contract was the institutional paid for all completed services. Payment terms based on set schedule of deliverables or per patient reimbursement?
  1. Expenditures are in accordance with the budget (both internal and sponsor budget). This includes faculty and staff salaries, patient care, supplies etc.
  1. All invoices to the sponsor are posted and paid. Ensure any hold back has been invoiced.

ORA Clinical Research Award Closeout Policy

Assignments are as follows:

School of Medicine A – Kelly Gonski, Grants and Contracts Analyst, ORA Clinical Research Support Services

School of Medicine B – Kelly Gonski, Grants and Contracts Analyst, ORA Clinical Research Support Services

School of Medicine C – Kelly Gonski, Grants and Contracts Analyst, ORA Clinical Research Support Services

Department of Medicine – Linda Provenza, Financial Manager, ORA Clinical Research Support Services

Accounts with a deficit or surplus greater than ( > ) $50,000 will be internally submitted to Karen Roz, Director, ORA Clinical Research Support Services


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School of Medicine Office of Research Administration
East Baltimore Office

Miller Research Building, Suite 117
733 N. Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205

P: 410-955-3061


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