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Prize Opportunities

For questions about current prize opportunities, please contact Lisa Sparks: [email protected]


Visit AAMC website

Herbert W. Nickens, M.D. Award is given to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to promoting justice in medical education and health care.
Amount of award:  $10,000
Deadline:  4/1/22

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award recognizes a medical school faculty physician who exemplifies the qualities of a caring and compassionate mentor in the teaching and advising of medical students.
Amount of award: $5,000
Deadline:  4/1/22

AAMC Award for Excellence in Medical Education-extraordinary contributions to the medical education community
Amount of award:  $10,000
Deadline:  1/28/22

The Award for Distinguished Research in the Biomedical Sciences honors outstanding biomedical research related to health and disease.
Amount of award:  $5,000
Deadline:  1/28/22

The David E. Rogers Award is granted annually to a member of a medical school faculty who has made major contributions to improving the health and health care of the American people
Amount of award:  $10,000
Deadline:  1/28/22

Spencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Service is presented annually to a member institution or organization with a longstanding, major institutional commitment to addressing community needs.
Deadline: 4/1/22

The Alpha Omega Alpha Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teaching Awards recognize the significant contributions to medical education made by gifted teachers.
Amount of award: $10,000, $5,000 to institution
Deadline:  4/1/22

Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research

Visit Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research website

For a scientist, or group, whose work has lead to significant advances in the fields of research with demonstrated translational benefits applied to improved patient care.
Amount of award:  $500,000
Deadline: 3/25/22

Alton Ochsner Award Relating Smoking and Disease

Visit AOSRA website

Presented to one or more clinical and/or basic science investigators for outstanding and exemplary original scientific investigations that relate tobacco consumption and health. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Amount of award: $15,000
Deadline: 3/8/22

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

The Pezcoller Foundation-AACR International Award for Cancer Research
Visit AACR website

Recognizes individuals who have made a major scientific discovery in basic cancer research OR who have made significant contributions to translational cancer research.
Amount of award: $75,000
Deadline: 9/30/21

Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science

Visit Franklin Institute website

Presented in a predetermined field of interest chosen each year by the Franklin Institute. The theme of the 2022 Bower Award for Achievement in Science is Decision Making.
Amount of award: $250,000
Deadline: 3/31/22

Bressler Prize in Vision Science

Visit Bressler Prize website

The Jewish Guild for the Blind offers the prize to all professionals in the field of vision science who have published research or clinical work that has contributed significantly to the advancement of vision care, the treatment of eye disease or the rehabilitation of people with vision impairment or blindness.
Amount of award: $40,000
Deadline: 3/1/22

Dickson Prize in Medicine

Visit Dickson Prize website

Awarded by the University of Pittsburgh to the leading American investigator in biomedical research. Strong preference for researchers doing pioneering, paradigm-shifting work that is not yet highly rewarded as it undoubtedly will be someday.
Amount of award:   $50,000
Deadline: 10/15/21

Franklin Institute’s Benjamin Franklin Medals

Visit Franklin Institute website

The endowed Benjamin Franklin Medals are given annually in the following seven disciplines of science: Chemistry, Computer and Cognitive Science, Earth and Environmental Science, Electrical Engineering, Life Science, Mechanical Engineering, Physics. The medals recognize individuals whose work has a significant impact on the aforementioned fields of science and is not restricted by theme or topic.
Deadline: OPEN

Gairdner Foundation International Award

Visit Gairdner Foundation International website

The Awards are for basic biomedical and clinical research and recognize and reward individuals whose seminal discoveries and major scientific contributions constitute tangible and significant achievement in biomedical sciences
Amount of award:  $30,000CN
Deadline: 10/1/21

Gustav O. Lienhard Award

Visit the Gustav O. Lienhard Award website

Presented by the National Academy of Medicine for outstanding achievement in improving healthcare.  Award recipients are selected on the basis of two principal criteria: (1) achievement in the area of personal health services; (2) achievement of national scope.
Amount of award:   $25,000
Deadline:  4/30/22

Hans Neurath Award of the Protein Society

Visit the Protein Society website

Recognizes an individual who has made a recent contribution of unusual merit to basic research in the field of protein science, including but not restricted to the chemistry, design, folding, structure, or biological function or proteins.
Amount of award: $15,000
Deadline: 10/31/21

Harvey Prize/Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Visit Harvey Prize/Technion-Israel Institute of Technology website

Prizes will be awarded in the areas of “Science and Technology” and “Human Health.”
Amount of award: $75,000 each.
Deadline: Due to pandemic, nominations for 2022 open 12/2021

Heineken Prize

Eligible for the Dr A.H. Heineken Prize for Medicine are active scientists who are expected to continue their research activities for at least ten years. Their achievements in the field of medical research are outstanding and have potential clinical application or have already led to an important clinical application.
Amount of award: $150,000
Deadline: nominations not currently being accepted

Ilse & Helmut Wachter Award

Visit the Ilse & Helmut Wachter Foundation website

The Ilse & Helmut-Wachter-Foundation of the Innsbruck Medical University gives this award for exceptional scientific achievements in all fields of medicine and is open to scientists of all nationalities.
Amount of award: Euro 15,000
Deadline: 5/15/22

Intellectual Property Owners Association National Inventor of the Year Award

Visit IPO website

Invention must have originated in the U.S. and must be covered by  a U.S. Patent. The inventor must epitomize the American traditions of technological leadership and “Yankee ingenuity.”
Amount of award: $10,000
Deadline: TBA

J. Allyn Taylor International Prize

Visit Robarts Research website

Category changes yearly. Awarded by the Robarts Research Institute, the 2022 Taylor Prize will be granted to a scientist who has made outstanding contributions in the area of Research and Innovation in Molecular Imaging of the Brain.
Amount of award: $10,000
Deadline: 5/31/22

Japan Prize

Visit Japan Prize website

Category changes yearly. The 2023 Japan Prize in the field of ““Life Science” is awarded to an individual(s) who have significantly contributed to the creation, development, and dissemination of scientific and technological breakthroughs that enable the sustainable development of human society in harmony with the ecosystem, or to its potential for great advances in the future.
Amount of award: 50 million yen
Deadline: 1/31/22; Prize is awarded in January of following year

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Award Humanitarian Award

Visit NFID website

Awarded by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. Criteria are based on legislative or administrative contributions, humanitarian service; and or public education activities.
Amount of award: Steuben glass award
Deadline: 3/1/22

John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement

Visit Tyler Prize website

Prizes are awarded for any one of the following:  the protection, maintenance, improvement or understanding of an ecological or an environmental condition anywhere in the world; the discovery, further development, improvement, or understanding of known or new sources of energy; medical discoveries or achievement with such worldwide implications that they significantly benefit environmental aspects of human health.
The call for nominations for the 2021 Tyler Prize will open in May of 2020.
Amount of award:   $200,000
Deadline: (no 2021 prize; nominations open 5/2021 for 2022 cycle)

Judson Daland Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Investigation

Visit APS website

Awarded by the American Philosophical Society, this prize recognizes outstanding achievement in patient-oriented research.
Amount of award: $20,000.
Deadline: 3/15/23

Keio Medical Science Prize

Visit Keio Medical Science Prize website

The Keio Medical Science Prize is awarded to researchers in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the field of medical sciences or life sciences in the hope that it will ultimately contribute to the peace and prosperity of humankind.
Amount of award:  20 million yen (conversion approx.= $180,310 US)
Deadline:  3/7/22

King Faisal International Prize for Medicine

Visit King Faisal International Prize website

Category changes yearly. The category for 2023 is “Pandemics and Vaccine Development” and nominees should be widely recognized for contributions to the topic area.
Amount of award: $200,000
Deadline: 3/31/22

Komen Foundation Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction

Visit Komen Foundation website

Recognizes outstanding work that has advanced basic research concepts, or affected clinical or social-behavioral applications in the field of breast cancer research, screening, treatment or prevention. The intent is to recognize scholars for a specific contribution, a consistent pattern of contributions, or leadership in the field that has had a substantial impact on breast cancer.
Amount of award: $20,000
Deadline:  6/8/22

Lasker Medical Research Awards

Visit Lasker Foundation website

There are three awards: the Basic Medical Research Award ($150K), Clinical Medical Research Award ($150K) and the Special Achievement in Medical Science Award ($150K).
Deadline: 2/7/22

L’oreal-UNESCO Award

Visit the L’oreal-UNESCO Award website

This prestigious annual distinction is awarded to five leading female researchers, one per continent. The program identifies exceptional women as role models for generations to come.
Deadline: 6/30/21

Louis and Artur Lucian Award

Visit McGill website

This award honors outstanding research in the field of circulatory diseases by a scientific investigator or group of investigators whose contribution to knowledge in this field is deemed worthy of special recognition.
Amount of award:  $50,000 (Canadian)
Deadline:  4/1/22

The Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize for Biology or Biochemistry

Visit CUMC website

Awarded via Columbia University, this prize honors a scientific investigator, or group of investigators, whose contributions to knowledge in either of biology or biochemistry are deemed worthy of special recognition.
Amount of award: None
Deadline: 1/26/22

Ludwig Von Sallman Prize

Visit ISER website

Awarded by the International Society for Eye Research every two years (even-numbered years) to an individual who has distinguished himself or herself by making a significant contribution to vision research and ophthalmology.
Amount of award: $30,000
Deadline: 6/1/22

March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology

Visit March of Dimes website

Awarded to investigators whose research has profoundly advanced the science that underlies our understanding of birth defects.
Amount of award: $250,000
Deadline: 7/13/21

Marion Spencer Fay Award

Visit Drexel Medicine website

The Award goes annually to a woman physician or scientist who has made an exceptionally significant contribution to health care as a practitioner, medical educator, administrator or research scientist. Awarded by the Drexel University College of Medicine Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership.
Amount of award:  $10,000
Deadline: 3/31/22

Maxwell Finland Award for Scientific Achievement

Visit NFID website

Awarded by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases; recognizes scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the understanding of infectious diseases or public health. Some of the criteria on which selection is based include: excellence in clinical and/or research activities, participation in the training of future leaders in the field, positive impact on the health of humankind.
Deadline: 3/1/22

National Medal of Science

Visit National Medal of Science website

The Nation’s highest honor for scientists and engineers, this Presidential Award is given to individuals “deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to knowledge in the physical, biological, mathematical, or engineering sciences.”
Deadline: on hold

National Medal of Technology

Visit National Medal of Technology website

The Medal is given annually to individuals, teams, and/or companies/divisions for their outstanding contributions to the Nation’s economic, environmental and social well-being through the development and commercialization of technology products, processes and concepts; technological innovation; and development of the Nation’s technological manpower.
Deadline: on hold

Passano Foundation Award

Visit Passano Foundation website

Presented to a research physician who has made an exceptional contribution to the advancement of clinical science.
For nomination information and more details on the award, contact the foundation by phone (410-825-0994) or email ([email protected])
Deadline: 11/15/21

Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research

Visit Paul Marks Prize website

Recognizes significant contributions to the basic understanding and treatment of cancer by young investigators. This is the first major prize for most of the winners, who are no more than 45 years old. Awarded every other year (odd years).
Amount of award:   $150,000
Deadline:  5/10/22

Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation Award in Genetics

Visit Gruber Prizes website

Presented to a leading scientist or group of scientists in recognition of groundbreaking contributions to any realm of genetics research.
Amount of award: $500,000
Deadline: 12/15/21

Peter and Patricia Gruber International Research Award in Neuroscience

Visit Gruber Prizes website

Recognizes individuals from anywhere in the world who have conducted highly distinguished research in the field of the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nervous system.
Amount of award: $500,000
Deadline:  12/15/21

Pierre Galletti Award

Visit AIMBE website

Presented by the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering in recognition of contributions to public awareness of medical and biological engineering and to the promotion of the national interest in science, engineering, and education.
Amount of award: $2,500
Deadline: 9/30/21

Prince Mahidol Award

Visit Prince Mahidol website

One award for outstanding performance and/or research in the field of medicine for the benefit of mankind, and the other for outstanding contribution in the field of public health for the sake of the well-being of the peoples.
Amount of award: $100,000
Deadline: 5/31/22

Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health

Visit the Sarnat International Award website

The Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health is awarded annually by the National Academy of Medicine to individuals, groups, or organizations for outstanding achievement in improving mental health services, research, or public policy.
Amount of award: $20,000
Deadline: 4/30/22

Robert Bing Prize

Visit Robert Bing Prize website

Awarded every two years to young scientists (age 45 and under) who have done outstanding work which has helped in the recognition, treatment and cure of neurological diseases who will be encouraged by this prize to do further research.
Deadline: 3/15/22 (awarded every 2 years)

Shaw Prize

Visit Shaw Prize website

The Prize honors individuals who have achieved significant breakthrough in academic and scientific research or application, and whose work has resulted in a positive and profound impact on mankind.
Amount of award: $1,000,000
Deadline: 11/30/22

Vanderbilt Prize in Biomedical Science

Visit Vanderbilt website

Awarded to a woman who has made significant advances in the biological sciences and who has contributed positively to the mentorship of other women in science.
Amount of award: $25,000
Deadline: 12/1//21

Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science

Visit Vilcek Prize website

Awarded annually by the Vilcek Foundation, the prizes honor three immigrant scientists—38 years of age or younger—who have demonstrated outstanding achievement during the early stage of their career.
Amount of award:  $50,000 each
Deadline: 6/10/22

Warren Alpert Foundation Prize

Visit Warren Alpert Foundation website

Awarded to one or more scientists who have made significant discoveries leading to the prevention, cure or treatment of a disease or disorder that afflicts humankind.
Amount of award:  $100,000
Deadline:  11/2/21

Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences

Visit Wiley Prize website

This prize is intended to recognize contributions that have opened new fields of research, or advanced novel concepts or their applications in a particular biomedical discipline.
Amount of award:   $25,000
Deadline:  9/30/21

Wolf Prizes in Agriculture, Chemistry, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics

Visit Wolf Prize website

A person cannot be nominated by himself/herself; the prize is awarded to individuals, not institutions, and it is presented to the recipient in person in Jerusalem. The nominators are therefore requested not to propose any candidate who, to the best of their knowledge, may not be able to attend the Ceremony.
Amount of award:  $100,000
Deadline:  9/15/22

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