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Request a Nondisclosure/Confidentiality Agreement (NDA/CDA)

How to Request a Nondisclosure/Confidentiality Agreement (NDA/CDA) or Request the Review of a CDA

All School of Medicine CDA/NDA requests for review and inquiries, irrespective of whether they are with clinical or non-clinical parties; or whether they are for clinical or pre-clinical projects, should be sent to [email protected]

No Fibi record is required for review of a Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement (also called CDA or Non-Disclosure Agreement or NDA). A MyRAP record will be generated by CRC for these agreements.

For the review of a Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement:

  • Email an editable version of the document, if available, to [email protected]. If no document is available, CRC has templates for use.
  • Provide the contact information (name, title, email address, phone number, mailing address, etc.) for the Sponsor; and
  • Identify the purpose and your timeline.
  • A MyRap record will be created for the agreement and you will be contacted upon review.

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School of Medicine Office of Research Administration
East Baltimore Office

Miller Research Building, Suite 117
733 N. Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205

P: 410-955-3061


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